5 BlockFive from the ArchiveStreet ArtDid you ever do something so stupid . . .Have you ever managed to survive something so very stupid, that the thought bubbles above everyone else’s heads are still screaming, “You are too dumb to exist. Please give your seat to the next available person with an IQ over 40”? Read More
5 BlockReligionStreet ArtLet us Spray . . .How do people deal with endings, and beginnings, and then endings again? Apparently approaches do vary. Some peoples’ brains implode... Read More
5 BlockArtist PortraitGalleriesMontralJanet Werner, the girls and the MACThese are portraits of women I want to invite to my birthday party. They will come wired with harlequin mindsets, Bristol Cream, spikes and all kitted out in the unique fashion sensibilities of the irrepressible Québécoise. Read More
5 BlockExhibitionGalleriesPaloma Torres. Conceptual. Ceramics. Sculpture.... that rare and magical eye/brain art experience, that sumptuous moment when all connection with the body disappears, and the electrical connections between seeing and understanding glow... Read More