Queen E and her Crowns for life!

queen fashion

One of Queen Elizabeth II’s  first  statements following her coronation was that she wanted “… to be worthy of your trust…”.  It was such a disarming and humble sentiment that it seemed to set the stage for a long career laced with an enviable amount of public respect and a lifetime be-kind-pass by many street artists. When we move away from Liz’s heavily controlled public image and look at her street treatment, she appears to occupy a privileged position in the art appreciation spectrum – somewhere between – taking-the-piss and – a quasi-sentimental respect.

However the public vitriol over the queen’s continued relevance in the 21st century still hangs on. The resentment over taxpayers having to bear the maintenance costs of one of the richest women in England still provokes pub fights.


Yet notwithstanding her lavish lifestyle, there still remains a stalwart reluctance by street artists to be too vindictive, even though they know that the money being spent props up an elitist class system, maintains Disney-like castles and Cinderella-type carriages, and, in all probability, a cosy monopoly on gold braid production for her royal guards.

Practically the sole affinity that artists and the public might feel when standing in front of Buckingham Palace may be sympathy for that poor guard dressed in a dark uniform, loyally marching back and forth regardless of the weather.

Q with dogs

There was a successful revolt during which the head of state quietly walked her packs of dogs and ponies in the countryside while a raging public outcry managed to oust the Windsor family hangers-on from the public payroll. Without bloodshed freebies to some of the wealthy finally came to an end.


Although street artists may be oblivious to the costs of these royal indulgences many are on the financial edge themselves and add to that their uncertainty surrounding Brexit, the plummeting value of their currency, and suddenly their wings feel clipped – no longer confident that they can so easily flee to cheaper and warmer European cities to rent studio space.

On the upside, in return for her own perks, Liz is the quintessentially super-responsible queen. An always pomp-ready, diamond tiara-flashing and flamboyant hat-wearing woman who bestows dignity to all, and knighthood to the deserving. More importantly she embodies unmatchable product recognition and better yet, she is a supercharged magnet for tourist dollars.


We also must acknowledge that it has been a long road for Liz. At twenty-five, an age where people are just beginning to understand the importance of mortgage rates, she rose to the head of the pack to become the Queen of England and an inheritor of vast wealth!

Yet even though she was groomed for the position – imagine having to colour within the lines so early in life – and for the rest of her life! Now, over sixty years later, she remains the longest-serving British monarch as well as the head of state of Canada and New Zealand, and queen to, according to last count, sixteen nations. (Where is Tuvula?)

During her life, she has met with prime ministers, uncountable numbers of world leaders, most American presidents since Roosevelt and the father/son duo of  Prime Ministers’ Pierre and Justin Trudeau.

Highlights of her reign include the post-war curmudgeon, Winston Churchill, followed by the social infrastructure challenger, Maggie Thatcher; and now nearing the end of her reign –  Theresa May, a PM that is seeking a coalition to push Brexit forward .

teresa May

Street artist are horrified by the vote’s potential to deny them and millions of Europeans stability and the right to freely travel, live, work and receive reciprocal health care throughout the European Union.

Meanwhile the artists in England are railing to hold onto existing walls, tunnels, and alleyways. They are begging for protection from gentrification and the appearance of more and more huge construction panels that are covered with commercial illustrations that obscure the regular disappearance of even more wall space.
There are ownership and copyright disputes over existing art, lingering legal threats for unauthorized spraying unless your name happens to be Banksy, that is! Nonetheless, lets cheer on the aplomb of the artists with aerosol cans in hand who continue to poke fun at our girl who sits at the top of the classist pile.

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