Gregos Art


I am supposed to be writing about something else today, but I simply cannot resist the call of my screen saver and its seemingly endless supply of street art images.

Today it is GregosArt’s disembodied heads that have made an appearance.



Gregos is a Parisian artist (b.1972) who began his street art journey in his late teens. He travelled to Greece and the USA to develop technique and eventually returned to Paris. With a practice that includes graffiti, urban art, paintings and sculpture, he appears to ultimately have an overarching passion for producing and hanging 3D self-portraits wherever he can.

These little phantoms can be found in cities throughout Europe, the USA, Brazil and Japan, with a rumoured thousand more glued to the walls of Paris.

greg-4 cigaretteThese self-portrait sculptures are not simply a case of narcissism for Gregos, nor are they  focused soley on beauty or ego – they are a testament to the transient and temporal nature of mood, humour, politics and social commentary.


greg-12One of my earliest experiences of street art installations was bumping, eye-level, into one of Gregos’s faces. Its resentment was fused to the doorframe of a pub, just above an ashtray near a sign that begged customers to be quiet. So visually sensible.

Since then I have come across the work of several artists who have incorporated sculpture into their practice, but when I just happen to be looking through my files for artist-specific bodiless street art, I can almost always find a piece of Gregos’s work cached somewhere amongst my collection of street art photographs.




P.S. It is unfair to this talented and prolific artist that only photographs that I have taken get used on this site. Gregos’ thousands of works are exciting and wide-ranging, so please check out his work at

Gregos in Lisboa

Another recent find in Lisbon.

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