Sometime – I was somewhere and . ..
This website is about the act of seeing. It is also a record of the art that surrounds me. The photographs used to illustrate these posts are my originals, and while this limitation may sometimes hamstring my ability to show off an artists’ work to its best advantage, if and whenever necessary, I will attach links.
While the source of many of these images originate in galleries and museums, there is a special focus on urban/street art.
I consider photography an interactive act. The hunt, the failures, the unfortunate lighting, the traffic, the over-painting, and the disappearance of wall space are all in play. A bonus is the pleasant surprise of actually meeting artists at work, it cements a face to a style of work and it allows me to feel as though I have joined an ongoing and vibrant conversation with earnest, opinionated, defiant and hopeful souls.
Photography also proves the observation by Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, that . . . no man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man. No sentence can more aptly describe the transient nature of today’s street art, and I am privileged to be riding that river current and witnessing, in real time, the ever- changing shouts of colour, words, issues and visions of artists who expose their world through their art. It has become an organic experience.
Street art, in its purest form, is an unfettered creative process that continues to evolve without constraints amid a seemingly jury-less mileau. The top-down artist management model of fame and finance is set aside and the resulting creative liberty often gives birth to unique work by emerging conceptualists. Oft times the longevity of the work is ultimately determined by their confreres. If I am lucky enough, I capture their images before they disappear once again.
This site is my nod to vibrant life and to art where I find it. It is my pleasure to string together found images and to join the conversation.
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